Advanced training in the specialty 275.03 “ Transport technologies (on motor transport)” under the program “Road safety audit”

We invite: specialists in transport and road safety, public figures who have an appropriate level of education in the specialty “Transport technologies” or work in a related field and have an experience in the specialty.

Course aim: acquiring competencies in the use of methods for assessing the level of road safety and analysis of the factors influencing the accident rate on road sections and elements of the urban road network.


1. Fundamentals of traffic theory.

1.1 Basic concepts. Historical aspect of the formation of views on the problems of road traffic management and safety. Features and consequences of motorization.

1.2 Parameters of traffic flow. Modeling of the state of traffic flow. Characteristics of the system “Driver – Car – Road – Environment”

1.3 Key performance indicators for traffic management. General measures of traffic management, organization, and control.

2. Basics of road safety audit.

2.1 Road safety, key indicators of road safety. Determination of accident rates.

2.2 Principles of road safety management. Purpose, objectives, and methods of determining key performance indicators for road safety.

2.3 Experimental studies in the auditing of road network elements – intersections and sections of the road.

3. Regulatory support of road safety audit.

3.1 Norms of road construction and transport planning of cities in terms of road safety.

3.2 Standards of highway engineering: requirements for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, channelizing and protective devices, standards of external lighting of highways.

3.3 Modes of traffic light regulation. Checking the operation modes of control means for compliance with road safety requirements. Determination of parameters subject to a traffic safety audit.

3.4 Analysis of effectiveness of design solutions in constructing elements of transport infrastructure and their compliance with current standards and requirements.

4. Causes, mechanisms, and circumstances of traffic accidents

4.1 Types of vehicle safety. Fundamentals of the theory of motion and dynamic properties of automobile vehicles. Study of the braking process of vehicles.

4.2 The main causes and factors of traffic accidents. Traffic accident mechanisms. Procedures for investigating the circumstances of a traffic accident.

4.3 The role of the human factor in ensuring road safety. Psychophysiological state of the vehicle driver and methods of its assessment.

4.4 Influence of the environment on the functional state of the vehicle driver.

Workshops: 72 hours

In addition:

5 Individual consultations of the supervisor for the graduate qualification work

6 Defence of the graduate qualification work and final tests

7 Organizational meetings of trainees

8 Individual work of trainees

Total: 108 hours