An open DISTANCE COURSE “Organization of dual learning”.
We invite: heads of educational programs at universities, CEOs, HR managers, and all interested in dual learning to the open distance course “Organization of dual learning”.
Course aim: analyzing the educational standard of the specialty, creating a competency map of the specialty, coordinating the competency map with the employer, designing the educational program and process together with the employer using distance and blended learning, designing a system for monitoring and assessing student performance using the Moodle competency repository.
Dual learning requires the creation of a consortium of universities and enterprises. Therefore, the participation of future managers of such consortia is desirable. The four-week course will address the issues of competency development and measurement, alignment of competencies with the needs of enterprises, selection of options for organizing the educational process using distance and blended learning.
Course curriculum
Week 1. Theoretical basis of dual learning
Consideration of educational standard, learning outcomes and competencies. Identification of indicators of each competency. Assessment of students’ performance according to Bloom’s taxonomy
Teachers analyze the educational standard and curriculum of the specialty, identify indicators and define the purpose of the task for each indicator using Bloom’s taxonomy
Employers measure competencies of industry specialists, indicators, and performance according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
Week 2. Plan for the dual learning development
The ways of forming the curriculum are considered. These include the development a competency map for a specialist trained by the university, their coordination with job competencies of the enterprise, and determining the list of disciplines.
Teachers prepare a competency map, determine the list of disciplines in the curriculum with regard to job competencies of the enterprise.
Employers determine job competencies of the enterprise’s specialists, analyze the competency map developed by the university.
Week 3. Competency map analysis
Based on the developed curriculum, the competency maps and the level of specialists’ qualification are analized, the academic load of university teachers and the enterprise’s employees is determined. The topics that are desirable to study at the workplace using micro-workshops and the authors of the training materials are chosen.
Teachers adjust their competency maps (which must be further approved by the university after agreement with the employers), develop micro-workshops for on-the-job training. The employers agree on the competency maps and develop micro- workshops for on-the-job training.
Week 4. Distance and blended learning.
Competency repository
Familiarization with the structure of the competency repository, editing the repository, creating a curriculum, integrating competency indicators into the course objectives.
Definition of the learning process monitoring and assessment. Teachers gain skills to work with the competency repository, create a curriculum, integrate competency indicators into the course objectives.
Employers gain skills in the educational process monitoring.
The course includes weekly webinars and press conferences.
We invite those who are familiar with this problem and have their own point of view to join the webinars and press conferences.
The minimum composition of the expert team: the head of the university educational program, a representative of the enterprise’s top management, and a tutor. Active participation of associations of industrialists is desirable.
Perhaps, such a course is not needed and everyone has already organized dual learning without any problems. In this case, you can use this course to exchange experiences and discuss problems. Perhaps, the course will become a connectivist one and we will get a community of practice on dual learning.
Self-registration on the site and self-enrollment in the course is provided.
Link to the course